. . . And treat them with kindness even when others aren't watching. But especially when they're watching, like, say, at trial, when you should always be on your best behavior when it comes to your staff, which includes the person helping you with the computers, as we're reminded in a weblog post by Monica Bay.
Of course, I should already know that the correct way to direct your computer-working assistant is by saying "next slide, please." The last time I had someone helping me with a Powerpoint presentation, she made this point to me explicitly after I was finished.
"'Please' would have been nice," she said.
Although I had thought my appreciation for my assistant's computer-working skills was already implied by my especially pleasing tone of voice, it turned out my tone wasn't as pleasing as I'd thought. "In fact, you sounded a little rushed," she said.
A lesson to remember. Treat your staff with kindness, even when others aren't watching . . . but especially when they are.
Just my personal opinion, but you should never have to ask anyone to advance to the next slide. If you are using a powerpoint presentation, get a USB remote to allow you to control the slides. I picked mine up for less than $30.
Posted by: Bryan | May 12, 2007 at 12:44 PM