The sixth revision to my book about depositions, Deposition Checklists and Strategies, is available from James Publishing.
Here's information about the book from the James Publishing website--
Creating an outline is the most efficient way of formalizing your preparation for a deposition. Use the outlines and pattern questions in Deposition Checklists & Strategies to avoid omissions, improve your advocacy, and handle unfamiliar areas with confidence.
You receive:
Underlying law. Each chapter begins with a summary of the substantive law at issue. Also included is an analysis of common defenses.
Deposition outlines. Each chapter contains several full-length deposition Q&A sections organized by issue, based on common fact patterns, and directed at specialized deponents like experts, corporate representatives, and treating physicians. The book’s questions are easy to mix and match with your own.
Commentary. Thorny or common issues are annotated with practice-proven alternatives and solutions.
Bonus outlines. Thumbnail checklists that contain themes and issues rather than question-and answer dialogue are provided for less-common deponents.
Related discovery forms. Complaints, interrogatories, requests for admissions, requests to produce, and more finish each chapter.
Practice tips. Sprinkled through each pattern deposition is practical advice learned from hundreds of depositions.
The book also contains pages of strategies for expert depositions, illustrated by outlines in a variety of types of cases.
If you're interested in honing your deposition skills, please take a look at my book--and thanks!